Thank you all for making a positive, memorable musical adventure for over 1,300 youngsters and their families in Ann Arbor this past Sunday. We have received some wonderful testimonials in the past three days!
What struck me was how this program touched each member of the audience. For some it was through the music, for others it was the emotion, for yet others it was the acting- just what good teaching does by hearing, seeing, and doing. I am sure that it will start many of the little ones on their life-long love of music and curiosity.
(Return performance)
Many thanks for your excellent Mozart’s Magnificent Voyage this past Sunday. This may be the most engaging of the programs. The little ones were mesmerized by Karl whooshing from stage right to stage left. The “tweens were immediately drawn into the story. The parents were smiling the entire time at the humor directed just for them, and there were quite a lot of teary-eyed parents at the end who got Wolfgang’s message.
Hooray for your team. They did a tremendous job!
(Return performance)
Thank you for creating a great show and for making it come alive in Ann Arbor! The music, the projections, the delivery – all really well done. I love the message. We need to broaden the audience base – this is clearly much more than a young family program. It is something more people need and will want to experience!