Game, Set, Match...and WIN!

We’re thrilled to announce that, thanks to the incredible support of our donors, we’ve successfully reached our fundraising goal of $26,000!

The generosity of our donors will help kick off our 2024-2025 season and bring the gift of music to over 75,000 children around the world.

Become a Donor and Get Closer to the Music! Classical Kids Music Education seeks to significantly improve access to integrated, quality arts education as well as foster the belief in the importance of arts education as an essential part of a high-quality education. We rely on your charitable contributions to maintain existing programming, create new productions, and expand our ability to reach even more children. Through the generosity of supporters like you, Classical Kids Music Education is able to create extraordinary productions that captivate, educate, and inspire audiences as well as develop new arts education programming and collaborative initiatives that will further enrich the lives of children and benefit their communities. All donations are fully tax deductible. Classical Kids Music Education is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


Your gift can possibly be matched by your employer – doubling or even tripling the amount of your original gift – and increasing your benefits. It’s easy. Just contact your personnel office and ask them if your company matches gifts to nonprofit organizations.

We will be happy to provide any organizational information that your company requires. Please contact Holly Robison for assistance.

Make a secure, online donation or download our donation form and mail your gift.

A heartfelt thank you to our Angel Donor Berit Helser for her ongoing support.

Learn more about how Berit’s generosity helps expand our reach to deserving children around the world.


Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation, Fund of the DeKalb Community Foundation

Illinois Arts Council

John R. Halligan Charitable Fund




Berit Helser*
(*Angel Donor:
Support exceeding $75,000 over lifetime)



Nancy Dehmlow
Peter Ascoli






Jay Allen
Judith Bassoul
Queta & Ron Bauer
Paul & Sue Freehling
Mary Houston, in memory of Jim Houston
Patricia Kenney
Kara Kane & Jim Sullivan

THE SUPPORTER SOCIETY: Any gift up to $1,000

Kristine Alonzo
Roger Anderson & Steve Steinhart
Bobby Arnold
Thad Avery
Penelope Bailer
Jessica Baldwin
David Barta
Zoe Bee
Natalie Berg
Tanya Bessler
Merrill & Judy Blau
Nicole Blustein
Mare Blocker
Denise Bobick
Liv Booth
Heather Bork
Elic Bramlett
Roderick Breem
Byers Byers
Sarah Cartwright
Michele Chavez
Tracy Christ
Dori Coffey
Melissa Conner
Yesenia Crothers
Ian Croyle
Alexander DeHilster
C.J. de Vera
Ruth Dagg
Marijane Deters
Amanda DiFabio
Miriam Dozier
Frances Dutton
Patrice Egleston
Crystal Esler
Tianna Fisher
Laura Fitzgerald
Loretta Foster
Peggy Foster
Claire Fox Hillard

Jennifer Fusco
Karen Gallaher
Sandra Gamett
Jim Ginsburg & Patrice
Lauren Glenn
Amanda Goranson
Sue-Gray Goller
Maria Gray
Mark Handler
Andrea Harrison
Eric Hoh
Matt Hoff
Brad Hoffman
Dennis & Emily Huebner
Linden Huebner
Amy Kerr
Karen Kramer, in memory of Diane Rife
James Jensen
Kyle Johns
Tammy Johnson
Jan Kallish
Kristen Kent
Laura Kirkpatrick
Karen Kramer
Rosaleen Kulba
Peter & Maria Lagios
Liane Layhew
Ethan C. Lederer
Kevin Lumsdon
Elizabeth Marchini
Susan Marks
Grant McCorkhill
James G. & Laura G. McCormick

Punam Mony Nimchonok
Benjamin Moak
Kandra Muallem
Linda Muchow
Sara Murphy
Saeran Miyaji
Laura Nelson
Travis Newton
Melynda Nienow
Alexandra Nikitas
Linda Olshansky
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
John & Lisa O’Toole
Carol Nickell
Amy Page
Rachel Packard
Seth Parker
Shemaiah Pascua
Michael Pauken
Rebecca Pearson
Jean Pement
Mary Pement
Paul Pement
Cecelia Pikul
Rachel Pittman
Jerry Proffit
Nicholas Pullin
David Redlawsk
Don Reinhold
Victoria Robertson
Holly Robison
Joanna Ruotsi
Kin Ryan
Jackie Sahd Linetty
Alan Salzenstein
Sheen Schar
Carol Seelig
Larry Simpson
Judith Skartvedt

Amy Skeen
John L. Slonneger
Nicole & Jamie Snyder
Gina Sparacino
Allan Spear
Joan Spencer
Linnea Sprang
Linda States
Lorelei Sturm
C. Thompson
Kerry Tittle
Luke Vaenti
Jeanene Wantland
Michelle Weir
Ann Wise
Rita Wise
Kimberly Wolter
Charlene Yang
Kathleen Yepez
Susan Zeuske



We offer sponsorship packages at the following levels, as well as customizable sponsorship packages for specific performances and/or projects.  Please contact Holly Robison, Development & Communications Manager, for more details!

  • Platinum Baton $25,000+
  • Gold Baton $20,000
  • Silver Baton $15,000
  • Bronze Baton $10,000


Both private foundations and governmental agency are integral to the success of Classical Kids Music Education.  In addition to general operating support, Classical Kids is always in need of support for one of our many outreach programs that seek to offer music education at no cost or discounted rates for communities and organizations facing obstacles.  Click to find out more information about each of these programs: Music Inspires!, Chicago Expansion Initiative, Every Orchestra, Every Child, and our Licensing Initiative. Please contact Holly Robison, Development & Communications Director, for more details.


Designate a special gift to benefit Classical Kids Music Education in the future through bequests, life insurance, trusts, IRA’s or other planned giving arrangements. These important gifts ensure that CKME will continue to be among the nation’s leading organizations for protecting and preserving classical music for generations to come. We invite any Classical Kids friend to remember CKME in their estate plans and become a member of The Angel Alliance. Formalize your commitment to Classical Kids Music Education and allow us to thank you today for the generosity you will be providing in the future. If you have already included CKME in your will, please let us know so you can enjoy the many benefits of The Angel Alliance. Contact Holly Robison for more information.

Saint-Georges' Sword & Bow
Production Supporters



Aficionado ($500+)

Roger Anderson & Steve Steinhart
Peter & Lucy Ascoli
Merrill & Judy Blau
Fidelity Charitable
Marci Jarog
Kara Kane & Jim Sullivan
Jim McCormick
Northbrook Symphony Boardof Directors
Dotty Osborn & Bud Dobbins
David Redlawsk
Alan Salzenstein
Allen Shoenberger
Jon Spanbauer
Keith & Kaori Williams
Matthew Ziegler

Patron ($250-$499)

Bobby Arnold
Susanne Baker
Ronald & Queta Bauer
Gideon Blustein & Nicole Wren
Laura Boyd
Paul & Susan Freehling
Sandra Gamet
Carol Gregg, In honor of my father
John L. Slonneger
Jim Ginsburg & Patrice
Linden & John Huebner
Jim Jensen
Grant McCorkhill
Wendy Malley
Susan Marks
Rita Wise
David Redlawsk
Gina Sparacino

Friend (up to $250)

Thad Avery
Doris Ayres
David Barta
Judith Bassoul
Rachel Berthiaume
Natalie Berg
Cynthia Brady
Elic Bramlett
Brad Brezinski
Courtney Cabin
Ruth & Tony Campana
Cristin Carole, in memory of Shirley Hall Bass
Sarah Cartwright
David Chung
Cynthia Clarey
Tracy & Claudia Christ
C.J. de Vera
Felicia DiSilvestro
Rommel Famatid
Maria Gray
Matt Hazlewood
Matt Hoff
Brad Hoffman
Mary Houston
Ryan Kin
Elise LaBarge


Ethan C. Lederer
Joseph Lehman IV
Robert Lehman
Michael Pauken
Travis Newton
Sahand Mirzahossein
Sara Murphy
Alexandra Nikitas
Erik Norlin
Fernan Oliva
Raymond Olivares
Seth Parker
Paul Pement
Margaret Renas
Andy Santos
Laura Schmuck
Jordan Simonson
Gene Spence
Lorelei Sturm
Charlie Wein
Hannah White
Ann Wise
Winnie Wu
Maria Zacapa

