Music Inspires! is a week-long, elementary school special project collaboration between Classical Kids Live!, the Oistrakh Symphony of Chicago and Communities in Schools designed to expose economically under privileged children to the joys of classical music and the extraordinary lives of the great classical music composers. We believe that arts-education can inspire a personal excellence in children that will lead to greater achievement in life.

The Chicago school district has endured extreme budget cuts in light of the recent economic situation and general trends in educational funding. 77% of its 427,000 students live below the poverty line and must rely on alternative art programming provided free through collaboration with external arts partners to ensure that students can benefit from arts education. Music Inspires! serves to help fill the gap in offering free music education programming that builds self-confidence, provides positive development, and creates enrichment opportunities for many at-risk Chicago students.

We are committed to growing the important and ongoing presentation of Music Inspires! at Chicago Public Schools. But we need your help. Chicago Public Schools are in need of this free programming, and we rely completely on financial support from individual donors and local grants to present Music Inspires!

Help Support Music Inspires!
It is with your invaluable support that we will be able to continue this inspiring arts, culture, and music education outreach program. Won’t you help? Please consider visiting our DONATE page to give in support of this worthy program.
